For my three political concepts I chose; rape culture, immigration and LGBTQ rights.
1. Frida Kahlo's self-portrait painting represents her injury from a bus accident and the pain and limitations it posed upon her for the rest of her life, as she was literally bound and experienced excruciating chronic pain. She wore medical corsets to hold her spine in place. An image like this can represent so many different things, but for me I felt it was a great representation of our current immigration crisis where families are being separated and held captive by our government. The torture of losing your child, the binding of the "internment" camp, the pain of seeking something greater and becoming a prisoner instead. I would like to implement cages into the background, probably with animals inside rather than people because of the remarks Trump has made about illegal aliens being animals in order to dehumanize them. Also, perhaps a few border security patrolmen with rifles.
2. A photograph of famous pin up girl, Betty Page, shows her dressed in revealing lingerie while smiling. I would like to add text to this photo that says, "She asked for it," or "Grab em by the p...," or "Well, maybe she shouldn't have been wearing that..." In addition to the text, I would like to add an image of Brett Kavanaugh from his congressional hearing a few months ago, showing him losing his cool and getting emotional and/or a photo of Donald Trump with a smug smile on his face. This speaks to the rape culture that is so widely accepted in our country. By looking at a woman that is clearly comfortable with her sexuality and adding negative content, it shows how damaging rape culture is for women's safety as well as self-
body image.
3. Picasso's painting, Girl Before a Mirror, shows a young, vibrant, healthy woman standing before a mirror, but what she sees in her reflection is quite the opposite of her true physical form. The reflection is sad, wilting and dark. I would like to add the text, "#transisbeautiful," as well as a few photos of famous trans people, perhaps Kaitlin Jenner, Laverne Cox or Billie Lee, etc. I'd like to send the message that no matter what you feel inside or outside, you are a beautiful and deserving human that should have the same rights as all other Americans, no matter their sexuality.
1. Frida Kahlo's self-portrait painting represents her injury from a bus accident and the pain and limitations it posed upon her for the rest of her life, as she was literally bound and experienced excruciating chronic pain. She wore medical corsets to hold her spine in place. An image like this can represent so many different things, but for me I felt it was a great representation of our current immigration crisis where families are being separated and held captive by our government. The torture of losing your child, the binding of the "internment" camp, the pain of seeking something greater and becoming a prisoner instead. I would like to implement cages into the background, probably with animals inside rather than people because of the remarks Trump has made about illegal aliens being animals in order to dehumanize them. Also, perhaps a few border security patrolmen with rifles.
2. A photograph of famous pin up girl, Betty Page, shows her dressed in revealing lingerie while smiling. I would like to add text to this photo that says, "She asked for it," or "Grab em by the p...," or "Well, maybe she shouldn't have been wearing that..." In addition to the text, I would like to add an image of Brett Kavanaugh from his congressional hearing a few months ago, showing him losing his cool and getting emotional and/or a photo of Donald Trump with a smug smile on his face. This speaks to the rape culture that is so widely accepted in our country. By looking at a woman that is clearly comfortable with her sexuality and adding negative content, it shows how damaging rape culture is for women's safety as well as self-
body image.
3. Picasso's painting, Girl Before a Mirror, shows a young, vibrant, healthy woman standing before a mirror, but what she sees in her reflection is quite the opposite of her true physical form. The reflection is sad, wilting and dark. I would like to add the text, "#transisbeautiful," as well as a few photos of famous trans people, perhaps Kaitlin Jenner, Laverne Cox or Billie Lee, etc. I'd like to send the message that no matter what you feel inside or outside, you are a beautiful and deserving human that should have the same rights as all other Americans, no matter their sexuality.
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