
M6 Part 2

I wanted to keep a clean and simple format so that my art would stand out more that the actual web page, while keeping away from making the page too simple and boring.  I think I have accomplished that here... I hope! I created the logo by first drawing what I wanted on sketch paper, then uploading that drawing into Photoshop and I played with the size and color saturation, etc.  It was fun seeing all the different ways I could change one simple pencil drawing.  Below is the original drawing and the finished product after making changes in Photoshop. For privacy/safety, my contact information on the web page is fake, but if I choose to make this a real portfolio page at some point in the future, I will update it then. Check out my website here!  I hope you all like it. Weems Gallery

M6 Part 1

Homepage: The homepage will have my logo (a paintbrush dripping paint into a puddle that spells out the word "ART" as seen below) as a center piece and will contain the links to my other three pages. About page: This page will have a short bio about me and my style of art and my professional headshot. Portfolio page: This page will showcase my artwork, both paintings and digital art.  This will be the main focus of the site.  I really liked the simplicity of  Alberto Seveso’s webpage and I would like to stick with a similar design where each piece of art will have a title and short description, so it is well showcased, but not overly complicated.  Sometimes less is more.  The challenge will be where to draw the line... how simple is too simple, and so on. Contact page: This page will have my contact information and show my logo again.

M5 Part 2

After playing around with the morphing of me into a cat, I found that I really loved playing with the Avatar idea instead.  However, I did still give myself cat eyes!  Below is my final avatar and underneath that is my original photo, the cat eyes I used as well as the background I chose.  The theme here is, "Avatar school picture day."  I love the galactic background but in a cheesy school picture background kind of way.  This is my Avatar Senior Photo!

M5 Part 1

For this project I am going to retouch the below photo of me holding my cat.  The photo below that is a snapchat filter with cat ears and nose.  I will attempt to do my own version of changing myself into a cat so that it looks like I may be holding my own child.  I have no idea how I'm going to pull this off!  Ha!  Let the challenge begin. 
I chose to redesign the cover of 1984 by George Orwell because the cover is quite simple and I thought maybe I could jazz it up a bit, however, I do believe the original cover is effective and I do really like it.  I love this book and I’ve read it three times, so I hold this design close to my heart.  I kept with the theme of being watched by putting a cluster of cameras on the back cover but I made the main focus on the front cover about the torture that the main character of the book, Winston, endured toward the end of his story.  The book is about a dystopian world and I wanted to reflect the pain and suffering in the cover and not just the surveillance aspect, so I worked them both in.

M4 CP - Book Cover Design (Part 1)

For my re-designed book cover, I chose George Orwell’s 1984 .  Below is a picture of the book cover I have at home and below that book cover are the ideas I found online as well as my sketch of two separate ideas as a re-design.  I was thinking of doing either the electric chair with the camera as one idea or the town square picture of the large screens with big brother as a second idea.  I really like the original with the eyeball that symbolizes that big brother is always watching, but it is so simple and I thought perhaps I could take it a little further.  Conveying your point is so important in marketing.  When I think about the story or the message that George Orwell was telling, I think more about gas-lighting and torture than just merely being watched.  In my opinion, it would be effective to add some of these elements to the cover of the book in order to market a little more clearly what the book is really about because it is so much more than havi...

SHE - Awareness Poster (Part 2)

I call this poster "SHE" and I created it for the Me Too movement.  Essentially, it is a compilation of the blame game of excuses and lies used by men who commit rapes or other sexual assaults or harassment.  For this project, I focused only on women as victims but, of course, men and trans-people are regularly victims too.  I used a dark background with lighter text to grab attention and I chose the font "Ink Free" because I really liked the sans serif text style of looking like handwriting (as if these comments were written down by the men who were saying them).  Photoshop has a great 3D tool, which I used to tweak the text into a more interesting poster rather than just making a list of grievances.  I played with using multiple types of font, but I found that sticking with the same font was most effective in reaching my goal, however, I did change the point size throughout. In creating this poster, I hope to bring awareness to the issue of sexual assault...